
In addition to the works listed below, I wrote articles on Japanese Animation for Anime Fantastique and Manga Max back in the 90s. I also wrote a weekly column on Shojo (girls) Anime in 1999 and 2000 for

Here you can read a sample: Lilac Hair and Enormous Eyes, an article about some of the tropes of the anime world.
 For a complete bibliography, see Works.

Other Nonfiction Works 




Published in 2010 by Benbella, Ardeur is an anthology of essays about Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, series. Edited by Laurell K. Hamilton with Leah Wilson.
Contains: Dating The Monsters, an article about romance, modern culture, and why the distance between these two subjects creates an opening for supernatural love interests.



The Complete Guide to Writing Fantasy Volume 3:

The Author's Grimoire

Published in 2007 by Dragon Moon, The Author's Grimoire is the third in the useful series of how-two books for fantasy writers. Edited by Valerie Griswold-Ford and Lai Zhao.
Contains: How Can I Have A Life and Still Be A Writer?: An Honest Look At The Real World Of A Writer, an article on scheduling writing time into your busy day.