Ping-Ping Turns 14

Today is Ping-Ping’s 14th birthday….it’s amazing to think that just a month and a half ago, I was still worried we might not get her in time…for today was the cut-off day after which she would have been too old to adopt.

Now she’s been with us just a day or so over a month. While it has not yet reached the point where we feel as if she had always been part of the family, that day grows closer. I am particularly grateful for how well she gets along with her brothers. She is developing a relationship with each one, and all three are very pleased with her.

What a sweetie she is, and how lucky we are!


7 thoughts on “Ping-Ping Turns 14

  1. You’ll know she’s part of the family when you all feel comfortable getting annoyed at each other ;) Thanksgiving should do the trick :)

    Happy Birthday Ping-Ping :)

  2. Belated Wishes

    Much happiness and many felicitations!

    This was driving me crazy on Friday when I treated my great-aunt [she’s 89] to a birthday lunch.

    I told her I had recently read somewhere in my skimming of the Internet that 11 November was someone else’s birthday also, someone I should know, and I couldn’t retrieve the visual of where I read that information.

    I hope that your daughter lives as long and joy-filled life as my aunt.


    • Re: Belated Wishes

      That you so much!

      I’ve run into a number of other people with that birthday, including my old co-worker and my son’s teacher. Glad to hear that your great-aunt shares the day, too!

      May Ping-Ping live as long, and may your great-aunt have many happy years ahead!

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