Venus is here!

In honor of St. Valentine's Day, here is Planetary: Venus   — the anthology edited by A. M. Freeman and myself. This volume also contains a short story written by me that takes place in the Prospero's Children background and features Miranda and Astreus on their Honeymoon! Venus, the second planet from the sun, a world…


Now Available to Members of The Roanoke Glass Newsletter

This short ebook, beautifully typeset by my excellent typesetter, Joel C. Salome, is now available to anyone who joins The Roanoke Glass newsletter.   The link to download it comes in the third newsletter. There is also an oportunity to download a short fiction work in the second newsletter. The first four newsletters, with freebies, etc., come…


He Anointeth Our Heads with Oil

I am always amazed at the things God asks us to do. Wrote this a few years ago. In late August of 2006, I was driving to help my mother-in-law. The price of gas was over three dollars a gallon. As I drove along, it suddenly struck wrong to me that people should be having…


Effie’s World

Once upon a time, a friend wrote up some game notes in amusing detail–particularly because the character's view was…quite different from that of everyone else involved. That amount of effort deserves to be shared. The reports get funnier as they go along, but they don't make much sense out of context, so I starting early…


Mercury! A new anthology

New from Superversive Press:  Ever wonder how Erasmus Prospero came to be on a first name basis with the Swift God? The answer is in a short story appearing in: Planetary: Mercury MERCURY! Innermost of worlds, blasted by the sun by day and frozen by night, Mercury remains an enigma. Mythical Mercury was also the…


Morality and the Seventh Commandment

For those just joining us: I have been pondering the following two comments by Mary Baker Eddy:  To cure a bodily ailment, every broken moral law should be taken into account and the error be rebuked. (Science and Health 3921:4-5)   and It is error to suffer for aught but your own sins. Christ, or Truth, will destroy all other supposed suffering,…
