Inculcating the Next Generation

 “Mommy, where’s the North Book?” Juss now asks several times a day, by which he means The D’aulaires’ Book of Norse Myths, which has been a favorite of both John’s and mine since childhood. John and I love myths, but earlier attempts to share them with the kids had not gone over somehow.
So, yesterday, I read the entire Norse myth book to the boys. Orville was a bit stunned by Ragnarok, but Juss’s imagination was ignited by Light Elves, Frey’s cool stuff, and Loki’s attack on Baldur. Now his heart is set on playing a “North game” where he gets to play a light elf and work for Frey. 

He’s downstairs now, running about crying out about golden swords and “Oh, no! Mistletoe” (complete with a lot of dodging.)
Makes a fantasy writing mother proud!


8 thoughts on “Inculcating the Next Generation

  1. In Ben Land

    Very cool. I think there’s a Jacki Chan film coming out in April that -might-work for him. PG-13, I guess it depends on the particulars:

    My son also continues to surprise and delight me. Yesterday, he used some kite string to rig a basket over the doorway. I thought, “great, now he’s going to dump something on the dog.”
    I was wrong. When you passed under the doorway, he lowered the basket and gave you a miniature 3 musketeer bar.
    Today, he pointed to the calendar to indicate that it was another day and another time for a treat when you passed under the basket.

    • Re: In Ben Land

      >When you passed under the doorway, he lowered the basket and gave you a miniature 3 musketeer bar.

      That is soooo cool! In my whole life, I’ve never heard of someone using a rigged door to do something nice!!!

  2. In Ben Land

    Very cool. I think there’s a Jacki Chan film coming out in April that -might-work for him. PG-13, I guess it depends on the particulars:

    My son also continues to surprise and delight me. Yesterday, he used some kite string to rig a basket over the doorway. I thought, “great, now he’s going to dump something on the dog.”
    I was wrong. When you passed under the doorway, he lowered the basket and gave you a miniature 3 musketeer bar.
    Today, he pointed to the calendar to indicate that it was another day and another time for a treat when you passed under the basket.

  3. Re: In Ben Land

    >When you passed under the doorway, he lowered the basket and gave you a miniature 3 musketeer bar.

    That is soooo cool! In my whole life, I’ve never heard of someone using a rigged door to do something nice!!!

    • We have that one, too! The kids have asked me to read it, but I haven’t had a chance yet.

      I also just bought them a set of Greek Myth manga by a guy called Cirro Oh. Writer John Hemry (a.k.a. Jack Campbell) recommended them. He said his kids love them and they are pretty true to the original myths.

  4. We have that one, too! The kids have asked me to read it, but I haven’t had a chance yet.

    I also just bought them a set of Greek Myth manga by a guy called Cirro Oh. Writer John Hemry (a.k.a. Jack Campbell) recommended them. He said his kids love them and they are pretty true to the original myths.

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